Friday, May 29, 2009

I'm a Movie Geek, but that's OK!pt10

His name is Anton Yelchin.
Acting career started when he was a child.
Why on earth am I telling you about him?
It's because he said wictor-wictor instead of victor-victor
(for some of you who had watched Star Trek, you know what I mean)
And now, he is Kyle Reese in Terminator Salvation!
I like him!!! :) even Dani knows about it.hehe.

Terminator Salvation is a 2009 American science fiction film written by John Brancato and Michael Ferris and directed by McG. It is the fourth film in the Terminator series, and stars Christian Bale as future Resistance leader John Connor and Sam Worthington as cyborg Marcus Wright. The film also introduces a young Kyle Reese from the original 1984 film, played by Anton Yelchin, as well as depicting the origin of the T-800 Model 101 Terminator. Terminator Salvation, set in 2018, focuses on the war between humanity and Skynet. for more, read here.

I still vote for Terminator 1 & 2. Nothing can beats Arnold susah-nak-eja famous quote, "I'll be back" and his way of riding his enormous motorcycle with gun in his grip.haha.But, overall, Terminator Salvation gave me a lot of info about how all things happened and stuff.In the cinema, I was like "Ohhhh, now I get it!"

I give this movie 3.5 stars. :)

headphones: Love - Kesyhia Cole


janedoe said...

oh.ure calling him Dani?does he call u 'hu'? mwahahahaha :p
aku sgt la tak uptodate pasal movies.dah berzmn tak melangkah ke cinema.cis

HuDaChAn said...

cet, who's Dani?
Dani boy????
hahaaa igt iklan digi lak

DaSarangMin♥ said...

yep! die yg suruh pgil dani..
ak ikot aje..hahaha...

ak borink,psl tu asyik movie je memanjang~

Daniel Iskandar bin Ahmad ye. hehe :)